adult education

During the summer months (June-August) we over various opportunities to think, learn, and grow together. As soon as dates are finalized, those opportunities will be listed below:

ChILDREN'S/youth education

Sunday school is offered for children from the age of 3 through 7th grade. Classes are held from 9:30-10:15 AM each Sunday during the program year (September-May). Classes are offered between our worship times which allows families to attend worship together. Classes are taught by volunteers who are supported by the Director of Christian Education.

Our high school through college age youth are offered a youth ministry program that meets for fellowship, service, and education several times a year. We participate in the ministries of Camp Whitman ( and the Presbytery of Geneva.

Nursery Care is offered during the worship service for children birth-age 3.

We are proud supporters of Camp Whitman and encourage you to take a look at all the education/recreation/retreat/children's and youth ministry opportunities provided there. In addition to summer camp, Whitman sponsors many events for youth throughout the year. Pastor Colin is highly active with this ministry and is Chair of the Camp Committee.